I can hardly belive that my last entry was Sept 21st
We are now well into the advent season....
The kids are all doing amazingly well, and are awaiting the birth of Christ....
Jacob totally gets the concept that Mary has a baby in her belly,... I wonder if he thinks that she has two like I did, or that if baby Jesus will be a real baby coming to stay with us!
He keeps on growing taller and taller. He grew 1/2" in a two week period!!! He is now 36 lbs and 39" tall. His language skills are developing with please being added onto the no and yes. It is so hard to stay firm with him when he keeps saying "no, pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeee! no, plllllllllleeeeeeeeeeesaaaaaaaasssssssse!" over and over again. He is on the waiting list for a speech assement at the Childretn's Hopsital of Estearn Ontario (CHEO) as there are a few concerns but with the sign language and speech he has those close to him can understangd him.
He will also be visiting CHEO for a day surgery on in mid January. Please keep him and especially Maman's nerves during this period of time.
Jacob has adjusted to the role of big brother, and is a great source of amazament and joy to his brother and sister. The tough part is to remember who likes being bounced in the jolly jumper and who hates it.
Daniel is sitting up, and loving it. He is now 26 3/8" tall and weighes more then 16 lbs. (he is probably closer to 17 1/2 now). He has a contagious smile and laugh - some say he had my laugh. He actually goes into full giggles... oh how fun life is. He is totally in the "oh! Maman I am in love with you" mode that only an baby can be and I am eating it all up.
Esther is beautiful,... she continuusly reminds me that calm and relax is beautiful. She is also 26 3/8 " and over 16 lbs. (probably closer to 17 1/2 as well). Her hair is still growing very beautifly. She is rolling over from back to front and lifting up her head and trying to get her knees under her.... oh no!!! I can just image two crawlers in the house at the same time.
She also has a beautiful smile and laugh. She seems to have been gifted the voice of angels as she is singing.
Joey's work is going well. We just had his annual Christmas party which was a great time of dinner with friends / collegues and dancing. Grandpa and Grandma took the challenge of having all three children for a sleep over. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you. It was very rejuvanating time.
I am adjusting to being a mom of 3 little children and I have decided that I am not a stay at home mom but a home maker. This all started with Jacob learning the word home and loving it. I started contemplating what home was.... then I was watching deleted scened of "The incredible" and Elastica girl says she is a home maker. Humm..... Yes, what I do all day is making a home for my family.... A home is so important.... You can live in any house, but how precious is your HOME.... anyhow it goes deper then that but... I have to run... as I have an opportunity this evening to go pray in my children's future school.
We decided to remain in our home and not move to a bigger house. But make this house more efficient in space.
Hence, We are in full renovations at the house. We are almost done finishing the garage which we will use as a mud room (lots of space to take on and off boots, coats, mitts, hats, ect....) and a great place for the exercise equipment. We will wait for the spring to mud the drywall and paint, but otherwise, it should be done by the end of this coming weekend.
We will be doing the basement renovations over the Christmas break. Please pray for my sanity as 1/3 of the content of our home is merge with the remaing 2/3 as we redo the basement.
To top it off, I am still trying to finish the main floor bathroom. It is functioning but needs some mudding and painting. AH! and those kitchen cabinets still need to be finished painting....
Like we are not busy enough with the 3 children under 2 1/2 yrs. of age.... I tell Joey that when we will look over this period of time in our lifes we will wonder how we ever pulled it all off.
With God's help!!!
OH! for all of you in town, our small community (prayer group) is hosting a Family Pot luck, Adoration and Benediction evening on New Years eve. Mass is at 5 pm, dinner at 6pm and adoration at 7:30 pm... see you there. (Please make pot luck contribution nut free, as some of the children have severe nut allergies. Thank you.)
with love,
Hopefully I will be back before another 2 1/2 months expires.
If you want pictures of the children e-mail me and I will send some to you.
How to Pray Everyday
3 days ago