Joey has been leading the RCIA candidates this year. RCIA means Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The candidates are those being baptized and/ or confirmed.
We had been praying asking God where he wanted us to serve him. We were tired of doing ministry just for doing ministry. We really wanted to serve him , where he wanted us and needed us. Last spring, we felt God lead us to RCIA. Our response was God that is such a Huge job, we don't think we can do it with our three young children... but if you really want us to do it, how about we just take care of arranging the teaching for the candidates. At our Parish, the RCIA is a from October to Easter. The group of candidates and leaders met on a weekly basis and learn the faith. There is also some special liturgies celebrated through the year. We shared this with some friend, and they told us that we should probably just hold off on this ministry for a few more years, that if we took it we would have do it all.
On my birthday, Sept 10th: We went to a meeting a church. Joey took the time to speak with our new pastor. He expressed his desire to help in Ministry and that he was available one night a week. Within a few days, our pastor called and asked him to help out as leader for the RCIA program. WOW.... We were so excited.
I have helped out by doing a few of the teaching for the group (1) Heaven, Hell and Purgatory 2) Holy Spirit 3) Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and how God heals 4) Discerning God's Will for us ) and we hosted a few meals at our home.
This has been the first time either of us have done ministry when it has not seemed like work and it has full embraced our souls. We love the people, and it has been such a privildge to get to know them and share in their walk of faith.
As many of you know, I believe that children have a part to play in all area of faith and that we include our children in all what we do. Hence, It is no surprise that at the closing RCIA night the children were with us.
Here is parts of what one of the candidates for Baptism shared in a note on facebook....
"Tonight I learnt an important lesson that I'll probably hold in my heart for my life. Today was my last RCIA night before I join the Catholic Church. Needless to say, a *big* deal. The group gathered to have a potluck and learn about what would be happening at the Easter Vigil.
Afterwards, I was asked if I wanted to go "see Jesus". St. Mary's has an adoration chapel, and I'll admit I do enjoy it. Mostly because my life is filled with noise, it's nice to go somewhere *quiet* to talk to God. So I went... with Jacob.
Jacob is the adorable oldest child of Roxanne & Joey Paul. Joey is the one who runs the RCIA program (with Roxanne, lol) and Roxanne has actually agreed to by my spiritual director. Pretty awesome family. They also have 20 month old twins - Esther & Daniel!
So Jacob and I wandered over to the chapel. We entered, and he blessed himself with the holy water. (I didn't, because I'm not baptized yet). We sat, he handed me a Bible. I thanked God for my experiences. In that moment, also for Jacob - because his demeanor when entering the chapel had changed. He... had some sort of faith that I can't even describe.
I opened the Bible... and it fell open to this passage.
Psalm 133 (which I hadn't read before)
Psalm 133
A song of ascents. Of David.
1 How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron's beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.
3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.
Lots of stuff to think about there. Also, appropriate given the upcoming celebration I'd think!
It made me think back to something someone asked me."
Christina went on to write several spiritual revelationa and spirtitual truths that sheGOd showed her and what she thought of in the moments in adorations and later that evening.
Christina then adds ...
"But in a conclusion from my beginning story...
Jacob took me to the Adoration Chapel. I read the Bible. I asked him if he wanted to leave. He nodded, and we headed to the door. Before we left though... he dipped his finger in the Holy Water and drew a cross on my forehead. Then he did the same for himself.
He didn't even ask me if I wanted it. He didn't say anything about it.
But it meant enough to him. The simple action, which means such a profound thing.
I wish I had the faith of a child. I wish I had the faith of *this* child. I wish I could see God in the tabernacle like Jacob does. I wish I could take such simple pleasure in going to see Jesus as he seems to. Jacob seemed more enthusiastic in going to see Jesus there for the 2nd time that night than I was... although I love prayer. I just wasn't feeling it. But that changed when I was there. Obviously. ;)
Jacob showed me something that I didn't even realize. That it's NOT about what I think people think about me (after all, I admit Jacob and I broke the "no talking" rule there). It's not about just performing the actions to earn 'brownie points'. It's about having a living and vibrant relationship with God. It's about being in community with others. It's about loving others as they are. I love Jacob for what he's given me. He gave me acceptance and joy without intending to. He also gave me some pretty awesome hugs too! <3
The blessing with holy water (sign of the cross) is supposed to remind us of our baptism.
But I haven't had it yet. So I took it like this...
I am a child of God. God LOVES me already. The baptism just is "icing on the cake". Yes, it's important in its own right, but it's an outward sign of an inward decision. To allow Christ into our lives. To allow God INTO us. The Holy Spirit is infused in us through baptism. Pretty cool I think!
But if I died tomorrow (I pray I don't!) ... then I've already made the decision to allow God to be a part of my life. I'm choosing this, to "live in the third circle". (Only CCO people will understand that one!) I'd be relying on God's mercy to allow me into heaven. Would He? That's not for me to answer.
But apparently I've already been "baptized by desire". And I already qualify for a Catholic funeral if I die before baptism, which is still pretty cool as a promise!
(Now is the point where you all pray that I don't die before Saturday night, okay?)
God loves me. Jesus loves me. I love me, just not as much as God or Jesus!
God loves you. Jesus loves you. I love you, just not as much as God or Jesus! "
In her note on facebook Christina goes on with a final word and a list of songs related to what she has shared including "like a child" by Jars of Clay. I will have to check that song out.
Wow... my little boy was an instrument of God.... This has touched me so much. I guess the hard work and PRAYING is paying off.
How to Pray Everyday
3 days ago
Oh, I love "Faith Like a Child" by Jars of Clay. It's from one of their first (if not the first) CD's. The lyrics are...
ReplyDelete"Dear God surround me as I speak
the bridges that I walk across are weak
Frustrations fill the void
That I can't solely bear
Dear God don't let me fall apart
You've held me close to you
I have turned away and searched for
Answers I can't understand.
They say that I can move the mountains
And send them falling to the sea
They say that I can walk on water
If I would follow and believe
With Faith Like a Child
Sometimes, when I feel miles away
And my eyes can't see your face
I wonder if I've grown to lose the
recklessness I walked in light of you
They say that I can move the mountains
And send them crashing to the sea
They say that I can walk on water
If I would follow and believe
With Faith Like a Child
They say that love can heal the broken
They say that hope can make you see
They say that faith can find a Savior
If you would follow and believe
With Faith Like a Child"
Way to go Roxanne - thanks for being an instrument, for you've allowed Jacob to be one in turn, as he followed your example.