Here it is well the 8 minutes and 20 second format:
If any one can help me out by giving suggestions of what I should cut out, let me know. It was originally over 15 minutes long, then the 2nd draft was 10 minutes long, the 3rd draft 8 minutes and 20 second. arr!
David decided to trust God....
"O most High, when I am afraid, in you I place my trust. God, I praise your promise; in you I trust, I do not fear. What can mere flesh do to me?" (Psalm 56: 3-5)
These are the words of David while he is being chased by a man who is repeatedly trying to kill him. I am not sure I would react the same way under the same circumstances, would you?
David was serving Saul, the king of Israel. Saul liked David so much he had sent a letter to David's father stating that he wanted to keep David in his service. Then
Jealousy comes in the picture. (1 Samuel 18:6-9) When returning from battle Saul see and hears women dancing and singing "Saul killed his thousands, David killed tens of thousands." From that day on Saul was jealous of David. What does a king who is not seeking God's will do when he is jealous of someone else? Kill him or at least try to kill him.
This forces' David to escape from his home and wife, to hide in the desert strongholds, and eventually live amongst Israel's enemy the Philistines.
How would you or I react to treats on our lives... Would we want revenge on this "enemy' of ours? How does David react?
Mercifully. You see Scripture tells us David could of taken the life of Saul, not once but twice. ( 1 Samuel 24) and (1 Samuel 26). At both of these moments David has people around him telling him that he should take Saul life, they even word it ways such as " God has delivered your enemy into your hands, this is the time do it." Doesn't that sound familiar? Is there times in our lives were others are speaking to us about how we should take revenge on others? Or at least make a situation fair?
Of course. How do we handle that? Do we fall under the pressure or not?
Do they manage to influence our actions?
Let us see how David did it.
As a man after God's own heart David decides to trust God. (Psalm 56:3) David followed God's; commandments and he sought the God's advice. Several times in 1 Samuel we hear David seeking God's will: Should I do this, should I go there? David conversed with God and God guided him.
David does not fretting or worrying about his situation. He simply uses prayer to hands over his situation to God who stronger then any man. Through out the various psalm, written by David, during and after this time in his life we see a pattern of 7 steps which David uses to handle potentially frightening situation:
1) beg God to listen to him,
2) tell God about his feelings
3) tell God about the facts
4) Remember how God has been faithful and helped in the past
5) and most importantly be would Praise God
6) and thank him for his upcoming victory over his enemy.
7) and he continues to be obedient to God's commandments and direction.
In the Psalms David is asking the people of God, that is us, to Trust God, like he did even when it seems like our enemies are winning over us or the situation is big and we can see a way out.
How do we go do this? How do we trust God?
What is trust: The Canadian Oxford dictionary states trust
is relying or depending on someone or something.
Some of us can have a heard time at the idea of trusting someone. We been hurt by some of the people we trusted. Some of those people are the ones that are the "Saul" in our lives,... Let's look at that, David is not telling us to trust anybody, he is telling us to trust God...
Who is God,... God created the whole world including us.... In the book of Genesis, scripture tells us that God created us in his image, he knows how we functions. What if you have problems with your car, who do you trust to fix it? Perhaps that guy who gives you the best deal in town, but if you could afford it would you not prefer to take it to the people that made it, to the dealership. Then lets face it, the person we need to trust with our problems is not merely ourselves, or a counsellor , however a good counsellor can help a lot, but the one we can trust is God our creator, . Unlike others who have hurt us and "lost our trust", God knows us inside and out, he knows where we've been and where we are going. He does have our best interest at heart.
So, how do we apply the principles David used to trust God in our own lives:
Let look at an example from my own life:
Like most mothers, one of the fears I have is that my children become ill. This past winter I came face to face with this fear.
At the age of 18 months, my little boy started having seizures which led us to realize that he had a blood disorder.
Through the ordeal people simply couldn't believe how well I was handling the situation, now when I look back at it,... God had guide me to follow the same 7 steps David did. Prasie God!
1) beg God to listen to me : As I my precious little boy in my arms as I yelled "NOOOO! God not this!
2) tell God about my feelings : It was not eloquent or loud, just in my mind I spoke to him about my fears, and worries....
3) tell God about the facts of the situation and how it affects you :I spoke to God about the facts I knew at the time, I must say I also did a fair bit of research on blood in order to gain more knowledge and understand the situation.
4) Remember how God has been faithful and helped in the past both personally and throughout the history of the Church. : My husband helped me remember how God had helped us in the past, certainly in my challenging pregnancy/ delivery for our son and his twin sister.
5) Praise God in song or in words : We kept praying, alone and together as a family. We sang songs of praise to God together.
6) Thank God for his upcoming victory over the situation: I asked God to heal Daniel. I don't think I was though to claim victory over the situation. But I did seek help from others who would prayer in such a way.
7) and continues to be obedient to God's commandments and direction in your life: I continued to listen to God's commandment ; loving my little boy just like I loved him before this medical condition, and I kept following God direction in my life.
Let us pray: God just as you help David trust in you in all circumstances, help us to trust you in all our circumstance, no matter what! God, when we are afraid, help us to put out trust in you, Lord. Amen."
How to Pray Everyday
3 days ago
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