In 52 hours or less, I will be rolled in to the operating room for the surgery I wish I could have avoided. But,... God is God and he knows what he is doing.
The most amazing comforting news came to me on Monday. The hospital has changed it's policy in the last few weeks regarding babies born to gestational diabetic mothers. They use to take our babies almost right away to the special care nursery for observation for a 24 hour period. They know just simply check their blood glucose level at delivery and if all is good we get to stay together. They can come with me to recovery and then to my room, where they are checked a few more times. They can still end up in the special care nursery (NICU) if they need to (blood glucose is to low, or they have a hard time breathing) but they no longer punish me for being gestational diabetic and take my babies away from me.
Joey and I are know starting to adjust to the idea that we actually might be the ones dealing with the first few newborn poo's, which are like tar, and I read the section on breastfeeding heathy full term babies for the first time, since I was pregnant with Jacob. This time I had focused on breastfeeding issues related to premature babies and BF while your babies are in the special care nursery (NICU).
The other amazing miracle God has accomplished for us,... is that all my symptoms of pre-clampsia (toxemia) are now gone. I received the sacrament of the sick, and lots of people have been praying and God has healed me. Wow.... God is good.
I will try to get Joey to post some pictures of Daniel and Esther over the weekend... hence, stay posted.
God bless you all.
How to Pray Everyday
3 days ago