Monday, October 12, 2009

not forgotten

My to do list seems to be never ending.... I really wish does people who said "having Jacob in school would make life easier " would raise up so I can have a little talking with them. What is easier about it, I really don't know. Perphas it is because I can a whole 2 hours in the morning of no thaving Jacob present with me and the twins. But the getting him out the door, getting him to school with all the necessairy things, the "oh got to go pick him up NOW!" and cannot forget the "re-intergration" to the family once he is home,.... none of this is easier. But overall I am getting more use to it all. We just had a 6 day brake from it all. Jacob missed 2 days of school due to illness, and then had a PD day, a weekend, and a statutory holiday... to total 6 days at home. He is really excited to go to school tomorrow.

Things have been challenging emotionally for me, and the routine of everything seems to want to kill me. But I will get through it all as God is giving sufficient grace for the moment.

I have to go ... get my 8 hours sleep or else my hubby will turn me alarm clock off and make me sleep in and not get up early enough to get my morning "me" time. Which will cause my whole day to be oscar the grouchist.

Will try to be more punctual at blogging.
Thanks for reading.