Thursday, April 30, 2009

Old Testament

Jacob has been asking us lately who David, Moses, ... are. Hence, I decided to start reading his some of the account of the old testament. I love the old testament and hope to pass this on to our children. Jacob is familiar with Samuel. We did an activity, thanks to St-Paul's Minnesota's family formation preschool program, about Samuel and how he listen to the Lord. I read Jacob the passage of how Samuel found David. That he was just a young boy, but God had a great plan for him. We then kept reading and got to the point when Saul was chasing David to kill him, (I must admit I change the word to hurt him very badly.) because he (Saul) thought David wanted to kill him. Now... in my word...
David and his men (about 400) were hiding in a cave (not sure if all the men were in the cave but some. Some of these men prophosied to David that we would get his revenge on Saul on this day. To me this sounds like David going to kill him, and that since this prophesy is actually from god like they think it is, then he is justified in killing him. After all that is why, Saul and his 3000 men are the reason David is stuck hidding in a cave. ... the account goes to tell us,... that Saul came in the very cave in which David was hidding in to no the less relieve himself (I guess this means use the bathroom, at least that is what I told Jacob.) David goes up to Saul, and .... he decided to be gentle and cut off a piece of his robe! He does not hurt Saul at all. He simply cuts off a part of his robe. (Now this is when I wish I was a bible scolar and knew Hebrew to get all this information to it fullness... but one day, that dream might come true.) So Saul, leaves the cave. Then David goes after Saul waving the peice of Saul's robe and saying something along the lines of "see I am not going to kill you, I could have, but instead I jsut took a piece of your robes for you to understand." Wow,.... would I really be this gentle with a man who caused me to hide! Saul then lets David take his rightfull kingship. Do you think God would of let the kingship come to David that easily if he would of kill Saul????? Saul does dies very shortly after this account. but.... anyhow...
The whole point is the next day Jacob comes up to me and tells me "He had the robe of Saul in his hands!" as we waved his hands in the air.... HE actually listen to the accounts... WOW.

I got to go take care of my three prescious little ones.

The Blood

Here is an exert form a conversation Jacob, 3 1/2, and I had at bedtime a few days ago.

Jacob: "Mommy, you know the red"
Mommy: "Which red?)
Jacob: "you know the red spots on Jesus' hands" as he points with one finger to the palm of his other hand (just were Jesus' wounds are).
Mommy:"yes, the wounds on Jesus' hands are red spot,.... that is from the blood when the nails were put in his hands."
Jacob: "when Jesus died on the cross for us"
Mommy: " Yes, that is right."
Jacob: "That blood is in the cup."
Mommy: "yes, it's Jesus' blood in the cup"

I then explained that blood like water spills and that is why the blood has to be in a cup and cannot just be held like Jesus body.

I love this child, I especially love how he keeps me on my toes! and keeps me thinking.

Maybe, this iswhy i starting to consider studying theology,...

See related blog postdown belowabout the bread!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tell me about the Bread

I was feeling pretty crummy today. This was due to many factors: Daniel woke up with a low grade fever, so I was concern he would have a seizure; We had a parent meeting at Jacob school (yes, he is going to Junior kindergarten in Sept.) and it just minded me of all the concerns regarding that next step; Esther is simply enjoying challenging me on what seems like ever front; and I simply feel yucky/run down.
We played outside this afternoon. I let the kids make mud in the sand box, this lifted everyone moods. Once changed from getting all wet, me included, we decided to make cookies for daddy. I decided to make a triple batch. I decided to have Jacob help me figure out what 1/4 of a cup of flour was times 3. We used the white board to draw out the fractions and figures it out. Then as I was busy mixing the goods together, Jacob said "Mommy, tell me about the bread". I thought he had said the "red" as we had used the new blue dry-erase marker as opposed to the new red dry-erase marker. But no, he meant the bread. I finally figure it out by his actions: He was standing with his arms over his head and his hands pretending to hold a host. I clued in! "Oh, you mean Jesus" . Then a conversations I didn't expect to have for some time to come happen.
Jacob: Well, it's bread. Jesus is in it, but it's bread, it's not Jesus. Jesus is in the bread. and the cup in not Jesus, Jesus is in it. ... right.
Me: (in oh God is this really happening mind frame) I drop everything I was doing, got down on my knees (dual purpose: to look him straight in the eyes, and as a prayer) "Jacob, when the priest say those words at mass the bread becomes Jesus. Jesus is not in the bread, the bread is Jesus. It is Jesus. It only looks like bread."
Jacob: "why"
Me: (asking for help)... "because some people at mass might get scared (actually I yelled a sound of scared) if they saw Jesus as he, so because Jesus loves us so much he lets us see him as bread. But it's Jesus."
Jacob: "Thank you, Mommy. for telling me about the bread." ) a pause... and then he imitated my sound a scared people and ran into the other room.
I was left in a state of "did this really happen"...

then tonight at the dinner table Jacob started using scenarios of if A does this B will do that, then C will have to do that,... if A does this to B, B will do this A,... ect... Daddy smiled and played with him with the concepts of algebra ... and I just laughed my head off.... it was great.

A cute Daniel story:
After returning from our evening walk in which him and his sister were strapped against their will in the stroller and their older brother rod a tricycle, Daniel asked to have the other tricycle to ride around in the yard. Sure, I got it out for him and sat back down in my chair. He came to get me by the hand and walked me to wear we keep the bike helmets and demand to have a helmet put on his head, as Jacob had on his head when he was riding the tricycle.

Some other great Daniel things: He said his name last week, and he pucker his lips for a kiss today. Praise God. These are two things that were a huge challenge for him.

A cute Esther story:
Yesterday morning, I fought with her about bring her plate and utensils to the counter once she was finished the meal. I actually had to physically help her do it. but... when she was done lunch... she took her bowl, when to the garbage can and started scrapping the leftover food into the garbage can and the proceed to putting her things on the counter. There is hope.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Looking for a liturgy of the hours book

I am looking of a one volume liturgy of the hours at a bargain price. The condition of the book does not matter much, we can fix it. We do the liturgy of the hours on most morning with the children. Our oldest son would love to have his own book, like mommy and daddy. I am thinking of giving it to him as a birthday present. He really doesn't want to turn four - mainly because when your four you go to school - and I think this gift would help. Let me know if you know where I can get one at a good price,... free would even be better.
Our oldest Jacob actually recite by heart part of one of the psalm from Sunday week one today! He knows most of the Canticle of Zacharia, when he feels like it. Sometimes we catch him in our Chapel with one of our liturgy of the hours book on his lap open to the canticle of Zacharia chanting the canticle. This morning I had gotten caught up in doing other things and we had not done our morning prayer. Jacob kept nagging me to do it... I finally gave up and we did morning prayer.... Wow.... He is so amazing to me.
Have a fabulous weekend.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blessing the house

I caught Jacob playing with water today. I offered to take out our water table and let him play with little people with the water table. His response "No, because I don't want you to see what I am doing?" OH NO.... He had been taking water and pouring out on the carpet in an attempt to bless our home. I told him that is not how you do it. We took out the real Holy Water and Blessed Salt and got a cedar branch from the tree outside and for the next hour or so, we blessed all our property and home... everything got wet and cleaned. He was trilled. I did however realize a theological problem ... Jacob seems confused with "the Father, the SUN, the Holy Spirit".... I tried to talk to him about it today, but it was to vague.... I will keep you posted on how we figure out 1) if he was just being silly with words because he does do that or 2) how we resolve the misconception and the joy of the English language having same sounding words with different meanings.


It has happened several times that Joey and I are blow away by Jacob's memory. This morning was a great example:
I had slept in due to a soar throat. Joey was filling me in on what he and Daniel had done in the morning. They had been working on animals names and sounds. They did that using one of our puzzles. Daniel then indicated that he was in distress, one of the puzzle pieces was on the floor and he could not reach it from his seat at the table. I picked up the camel. I then remembered to tell Joey that I am thinking Daniel's favorite animal is a camel. He react excitedly when he see them. Ok so where does a 21 month old, living in Ottawa, Canada see camels in the winter... books, nativity scenes, little people,...
Joey then asked Daniel what his favorite animal is. Daniel points to the camel. Joey then says that in a few years we should 'spring' for the camel ride at the Toronto Zoo. Then Jacob says 'hey,... you know the place with the pyramids. Mom you know where you go under the tunnels in the pyramids,.. they have a camel there!" In amazement I respond positively the Children's museum does have a ride-on camel. Now, Jacob has been there about 4 times. It's a great museum, very hands on. The last time they were there was several months ago when I was working on a talk for RCIA and Aunt Jane and Daddy took them. Wow... I praised him on his memory. Now, the only kids I really worked with before my own where all developmental challenged, so I really don't know if this is normal memory stuff or not? But it sure surprises me.

Mom / wife share group

Any of you ladies want to join a mom / wife share group? I really need one, hence I am willing to start one up and lead it. It does have to be on Thursday evenings , because of my family dynamics and a still have to pray about locations. Breastfeed babies welcomed but otherswise no children. Let me know if you would like every week or every other week. More details to those interested as I ponder what all this might be. Let me know if your interested.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Looking for a retreat center

A weekend off??? Wow....
Joey is off on a men's retreat this weekend. I sure hope things go better for us this time then last time this happen. In late Jan, Joey went away and we all got sick. Starting with me. This started the whole series off illness in our home. Let just say we don't want to go back there again.
My parent in laws will be taking the kids for the weekend and I am off. I am debating about taking the weekend to work on some children's book I am trying to write, paint my kitchen, organize our house, or go on a retreat myself.
Any one know of any good retreat centers? I am looking for something were I can walk in the country, do the litrugy of the hours with a group, and perphas get some spiritual direction. Any one have suggestions?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

how can this happen - gross

Warning this might want to make you barff!

A whole bunch of us were around Oma's (Joey's grandma's) table talking. Jacob was on my lap cuddling after a long afternoon nap. I was busy talking when all of a sudden I felt something hard and off shaped entering my mouth. I thought "oh how sweet my jacob is trying to feed me a treat from the table?" I look down and screamed he was placing, inside my mouth, a bugar from his nose! GROSS... I was half freaking out and half laughing... I quickly got up ran to the bathroom to find some mouth wash.... Why oh WHY...... the worst is one of the aunt said she saw it coming but was to busy looking for a Kleenex to warn me about it.....

Easter Vigil - Jesus is finaly back!

Jacob talked about the ringing of the bell and the fire from last years Easter Vigil mass, for a whole year. Hence, I didn't have the heart to have him miss the Vigil this year. Grandma and Grandpa took care of Daniel and Esther and the rest of us went to the Vigil.
In the previous years, Jacob feel asleep and sometimes he even slept through the ringing of the bells! Not this year! He was so excited to see that the purple was finaly gone and it (the church) was all white, his favorite color. (Our church really goes all out with the Easter Lilies! It is absolutely beautiful.) But most of all he didn't want to miss "when Jesus is coming back". He was still bothered by the fact that the tabernacle was empty (and the door was wide open, for us all to see how empty it was)!
He Kept asking me if Jesus was back yet. At the moment of consecration of the bread and wine... I told him Jesus was back and that it was Jesus body and blood that we saw. But... he was not content until near the end of mass the priest placed the remain host (Jesus body) in the tabernacle and closed the door. Then Jesus was back and all was good.
Finally Jesus is back... He is alive.
It has been an incredibble journey with our little boy. I love this time and I love to hear more of his insights.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ressurection Rolls

Jacob and me made these great Tarts. They were meant to be rolls but we didn't things to make rolls so we made them tartsish.

Here is the link that lead me to do the activity. Jacob really got the whole concept that Jesus was not there anymore. (probably didn't help with the yucky heart feeling, see other post).

Basically you take a marshmallow (Jesus - pure white), you it in oil (like the oil they put on Jesus' body), you then roll it in sugar and cinnamon (like the spices they put on Jesus' body), then you place it on the pastry dough and roll in up (like they did with the cloth to Jesus' body), you then place it in the oven (the tomb) and for dramatic effect we moved our garbage can in front of the stove (for the big rock in front of the tomb)... then when they are ready to come out... you call the kids back in and tell them that the big rock was moved something must of happen in the tomb.... you take the desert out, and cut one open and the marshmellow (which melted) is gone... just like Jesus in gone from the tomb... he is alive.

You get the idea... if you want to do it check out the link above.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What does Good Friday mean?

This conversation occurred yesterday (Holy Thursday).

I was busy in the kitchen, when Jacob says "What does Good Friday mean?"

Wow... I have been reading books about spirituality in children. They all say that the child lead moments are the best ones. Here was a child lead moment... I drop everything I was doing, got on my knees to be at Jacob's level... I started... I can't remember excatly what I said (wish I did) but here is about how it went.

Mommy: "Good Friday is the day we remember that Jesus died on the cross for our sins."
(simnple enought right, no.)
Jacob: '"what does that mean?"
Mommy: (oh God help me!) Jesus dying on the cross for our sins means that...
can you tell me one thing that you know you should not do...
Jacob: " hit or pinch" (presently both problems in our home)
Mommy: "right, so right now you know your not suppose to hit or pinch, and you do it anyways. That is a sin. Sin is something you do even when you know your not suppose to do it. You know how Mommy or Daddy gives you a time out when you hit or pinch."
Jacob: (head knotting yes)
Mommy: Well God gives time out, too. If you know you should not pinch and pinch. Then that is a sin and God gives time-out for sins. One from Mommy or Daddy that you have to do, and the oterh from God. So you get two time outs. One from mommy or daddy and one from God. You know how you have two Mommies (Maman and Mama Mary) and two Daddies (Daddy and God the father) well you get two time outs. But... Jesus did all those time out from God for you on the cross, so you don't have to do them. But you need to tell God that you are one of Jesus' forever friends and that he took your time out for you on the cross. (Somewhere in there I made sure to tell him that he still has to do Mommy and Daddy's time outs)
Jacob: still looking right at me....but my time is running out.
Mommy: The evangelist take over and adds "that is why it important to make sure that everyone knows about Jesus so that they don't have to do their time outs when they get to Heaven. Otherwise they will have to wait and not see God. (I didn't get into the whoel wait for a little while (aka purgatory) or wait forever (aka hell).
Jacob: When I go to heaven... you are coming with me, right (this is long lasting, converstaion ... ever since he found out that when you go to heaven you don't come back...)
Mommy: (classic line that is neither a lie, or asnwering the question, but satisfy Jacob)... We will all go to Heaven as long as we are Jesus forever friends and love God with our whole heart.
I stood back up,... my darling husband who had been listening in, said job well done! That meant a lot.

Later that evening, as we were drawing on the driveway (with chalk) we drew a cross and wrote in big blue letters (Jacob's favorite colour) Jesus died on the cross for my sins to be forgiven. This morning (Good Friday) he was so happy to see that it was still there.... as we got the twins in the van to go to church, he was hoping all over it,.. spelling out all the letter in Jesus' name.

my heart feels yucky!

What can happen when you are rocking your 3 year old to sleep on Good Friday evening:

Jacob : "Mommy,... I am sick?"
Mom: "Is your tummy still feels sick, or are other parts feeling yucky?"
Jacob: ( with shy manners and voice ) "other parts, too!"
Mom: "Like what parts"
Jacob: " My BONES.... ( a pause) and my heart feels yucky."
Mom: "Your Bones and your heart"
Jacob: "Yeah! you know where Jesus is. In my heart,... how can he get out!" "He is not there at Church, he is gone. How can he get out! my heart feels yucky!"

We went to Church today to do a children's station of the cross. Honestly, I didn't think the kids had gotten anything out of it. But Jacob did notice that all the picutres and statues where covered in purple cloth, and most obviously that the tabernacle was wide open and empty. We talked about how Jesus was hiding in the tomb, and that is why we has not there.

So.. I held my little boy on my lap and told him that Jesus can't get out of his heart. That Jesus is still in his heart. Why he asked. Because he loves you very much. And that tomorrow night, we will celebraet Jesus coming back alive.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jacob child of God

Joey has been leading the RCIA candidates this year. RCIA means Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The candidates are those being baptized and/ or confirmed.

We had been praying asking God where he wanted us to serve him. We were tired of doing ministry just for doing ministry. We really wanted to serve him , where he wanted us and needed us. Last spring, we felt God lead us to RCIA. Our response was God that is such a Huge job, we don't think we can do it with our three young children... but if you really want us to do it, how about we just take care of arranging the teaching for the candidates. At our Parish, the RCIA is a from October to Easter. The group of candidates and leaders met on a weekly basis and learn the faith. There is also some special liturgies celebrated through the year. We shared this with some friend, and they told us that we should probably just hold off on this ministry for a few more years, that if we took it we would have do it all.

On my birthday, Sept 10th: We went to a meeting a church. Joey took the time to speak with our new pastor. He expressed his desire to help in Ministry and that he was available one night a week. Within a few days, our pastor called and asked him to help out as leader for the RCIA program. WOW.... We were so excited.

I have helped out by doing a few of the teaching for the group (1) Heaven, Hell and Purgatory 2) Holy Spirit 3) Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and how God heals 4) Discerning God's Will for us ) and we hosted a few meals at our home.

This has been the first time either of us have done ministry when it has not seemed like work and it has full embraced our souls. We love the people, and it has been such a privildge to get to know them and share in their walk of faith.

As many of you know, I believe that children have a part to play in all area of faith and that we include our children in all what we do. Hence, It is no surprise that at the closing RCIA night the children were with us.

Here is parts of what one of the candidates for Baptism shared in a note on facebook....

"Tonight I learnt an important lesson that I'll probably hold in my heart for my life. Today was my last RCIA night before I join the Catholic Church. Needless to say, a *big* deal. The group gathered to have a potluck and learn about what would be happening at the Easter Vigil.

Afterwards, I was asked if I wanted to go "see Jesus". St. Mary's has an adoration chapel, and I'll admit I do enjoy it. Mostly because my life is filled with noise, it's nice to go somewhere *quiet* to talk to God. So I went... with Jacob.

Jacob is the adorable oldest child of Roxanne & Joey Paul. Joey is the one who runs the RCIA program (with Roxanne, lol) and Roxanne has actually agreed to by my spiritual director. Pretty awesome family. They also have 20 month old twins - Esther & Daniel!


So Jacob and I wandered over to the chapel. We entered, and he blessed himself with the holy water. (I didn't, because I'm not baptized yet). We sat, he handed me a Bible. I thanked God for my experiences. In that moment, also for Jacob - because his demeanor when entering the chapel had changed. He... had some sort of faith that I can't even describe.

I opened the Bible... and it fell open to this passage.

Psalm 133 (which I hadn't read before)

Psalm 133
A song of ascents. Of David.
1 How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!

2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron's beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.

3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.

Lots of stuff to think about there. Also, appropriate given the upcoming celebration I'd think!

It made me think back to something someone asked me."

Christina went on to write several spiritual revelationa and spirtitual truths that sheGOd showed her and what she thought of in the moments in adorations and later that evening.
Christina then adds ...

"But in a conclusion from my beginning story...

Jacob took me to the Adoration Chapel. I read the Bible. I asked him if he wanted to leave. He nodded, and we headed to the door. Before we left though... he dipped his finger in the Holy Water and drew a cross on my forehead. Then he did the same for himself.

He didn't even ask me if I wanted it. He didn't say anything about it.

But it meant enough to him. The simple action, which means such a profound thing.

I wish I had the faith of a child. I wish I had the faith of *this* child. I wish I could see God in the tabernacle like Jacob does. I wish I could take such simple pleasure in going to see Jesus as he seems to. Jacob seemed more enthusiastic in going to see Jesus there for the 2nd time that night than I was... although I love prayer. I just wasn't feeling it. But that changed when I was there. Obviously. ;)

Jacob showed me something that I didn't even realize. That it's NOT about what I think people think about me (after all, I admit Jacob and I broke the "no talking" rule there). It's not about just performing the actions to earn 'brownie points'. It's about having a living and vibrant relationship with God. It's about being in community with others. It's about loving others as they are. I love Jacob for what he's given me. He gave me acceptance and joy without intending to. He also gave me some pretty awesome hugs too! <3

The blessing with holy water (sign of the cross) is supposed to remind us of our baptism.

But I haven't had it yet. So I took it like this...

I am a child of God. God LOVES me already. The baptism just is "icing on the cake". Yes, it's important in its own right, but it's an outward sign of an inward decision. To allow Christ into our lives. To allow God INTO us. The Holy Spirit is infused in us through baptism. Pretty cool I think!

But if I died tomorrow (I pray I don't!) ... then I've already made the decision to allow God to be a part of my life. I'm choosing this, to "live in the third circle". (Only CCO people will understand that one!) I'd be relying on God's mercy to allow me into heaven. Would He? That's not for me to answer.

But apparently I've already been "baptized by desire". And I already qualify for a Catholic funeral if I die before baptism, which is still pretty cool as a promise!

(Now is the point where you all pray that I don't die before Saturday night, okay?)

God loves me. Jesus loves me. I love me, just not as much as God or Jesus!

God loves you. Jesus loves you. I love you, just not as much as God or Jesus! "

In her note on facebook Christina goes on with a final word and a list of songs related to what she has shared including "like a child" by Jars of Clay. I will have to check that song out.

Wow... my little boy was an instrument of God.... This has touched me so much. I guess the hard work and PRAYING is paying off.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The worry free weekend at the Paul's

Daniel, Esther and Jacob have been enjoying being healthy children with parents who don't nee dto worry about their health. What joy! However, Joey and I have been under the weather dealing with some gastro issues/ bugs.... it seems the stress of the last several weeks is escaping our bodies.

All that aside, we enjoyed a family outing the Ray't little reptiles today where we all observed a snake eat a mouse! Both Jacob and Esther were cuddled in to me. They were pretending not to watch but couldn't take their eyes off what they were seeing! Esther even feed a lizard a live bug. What a girl. Daniel loved the show, he was jsut getting tired by the end of it. We then headed off to Sushi Kan (where children 4 and under eat free) and feasted on some Sushi and other great food. Jacob's favorite food is Sushi. Esther agrees with him, and Daniel well... he is more like Granpa... meat and potatoes!

I am presently composing a document to give input to the CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops) regarding spiritual development for children from Birth to age 3. Please pray for me druing this composing time. I will find a way to post that information on here once the document in completed. I am in a time crush to get it done by Easter Monday.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Adrenaline has run out! Now what?

Well the Adrenaline bubble / rush on which I have been surviving for the last several weeks has deflated. I can now relax but I think my body has forgotten how. And the reality is I have three healthy children to look after. Three little people (one 3 1/2 and two 20 month old) that what to play, play, play and discover, discover, discover... wow... and all I want to do is sleep and maybe curl up and read a good book. Neither of them is going to happen. Any advice on how to deal with low energy after running of adrenaline for weeks upon weeks, actually since Feb 3rd... Daniel's first seizure...