Monday, August 24, 2009

dear little girl

Please pray for a 5 year old little girl, her daddy and everyone else involved.

On saturday evening, a little girl and her daddy were walking together. The family had recently purchased a trailer at the same camp site as my parents. The father daughter duo were walking a long one of the many small roads. Many of the campers choose to walk, cycle, or use golf carts to get around the big campsite. The little girl walking with her father when she darted away from him and directly in front of a gold cart. The driver of the golf cart was unable to stop in time. He was impaired, and has been charged. The little girl is at the children's hopsital in a medication induce coma. She has multiple fractures to the skull, and has bleeding on the brain. It is still unknow if other issues will arise. Please pray for the full recovery of this little girl, but also for everyone invoved. Please pray for the daddy involved: I have heard that the father feels guilty. He feels he should of caught her in time, he feels he should have been able to save her. Please pray for the mom,.. we can only image the heart ache she is dealing with. Please pray for the little girl's 2 year old sister, that just wants her mommy,daddy and sister home and safe and well. Please pray for the driver of the golf cart, and all the passengers he had with him. (his wife, and a male friend - who is really having a hard time dealing with the situation.) Please pray for all the people at that camp site that witnessed the situation. Many people were present., including the little girl's cousin. Pray, pray , pray.
Thank you so much.
This is really scary as that could of been my child who all of suddent darted from my side, and went into dangers way.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What is the cost?

This week, I witnessed Jacob sitting in the back of a police cruiser.

It seems years flashed in front of my eyes.

No, he was not picked up anywhere. He was merely a curious 4 years old and we had a really nice police officer help us.

You see what was suppose to be a fun shopping trip to wallmart to buy Daddy a "seam riper" turned out to be more then what we planed. A seam riper, yes! My husband not only cooks, does laundry, and he sews as well - actually tonight him and Jacob made some child size ovenmits! We were stopped at a red light, only a few minutes away from our destination, when we were hit from behind. It seems a little red Honda civic had not planned it stop quite right. It left some of its paint and mark from it's body on to our van.

After checking on the kids, and getting some information from the other driver, we decided to move off the road to a near by parking lot. Eventually, we had to go to a local police station to report the accident. After much waiting, a police officer who recognized me from my law enforcement days came out to make the police report. The damage on our vehicle is probably close to 1,000$ and we need to replace the twins car seats and Jacob's booster seat. Great! I am grateful we have insurance, but I sure hate all the leg work involved in everything. The bring the van to the garage to get fixed, the getting the car seats out of our van into the rental van, getting new car seats, filling in all the paper work,...ARRRR!!!

I am grateful that the only on suffering injuries is me. The kids and Joey are fine. I have a sore shoulder and mid back, and neck. Probably from the seat belt, and all the stress.

Anyhow, with the accident, and my decision to declutter our house, I have been so busy and so little time to blog. Sigh!

I do think my body needs more sleep, so to dream land where as explained to Jacob today people go to get rest. My explanation sounded so good, it was like sleep was a commodity one could purchase. Now, image that. How much with one hour of restful sleep cost? One hour of restless sleep? After all it is better then none, or "they" say. Image the price tag on "a full night sleep". Now we all know that there is no money in this world that can buy sleep, but we are sure willing to find ways to beat the need for it. Coffee, chocolate, tea, coke, Pepsi,... caffeine, caffeine, are among the things I seek to replace that sleep I wish I had. How similar is our spiritual life? Can you image how much money it would cost to have a good 5 minute talk with God? How much would if cost to have an hour with God? How much with it cost to have eternal life? Can you image anyone having enough money to pay for that, the security that you won;t truly die when you die but would go on to live forever in a beautiful, serene environment with a person that loves you perfectly, where the streets are paved in gold, and where your treated like royalty. Can you image how much money that would cost? Could one ever afford it? How can I start saving up for that? Right, I don't have to save up for that. It is already paid for me and for you too! No, I am not a millionaire in hiding. But my Daddy is.
You see God arranged for me to have full access to him when ever I need him. God even arranged for me to live with him forever and ever, even when the 'world' think I am dead.
God, the father, sent Jesus to show us how to live, and then Jesus paid the price for me and you to live with God forever. Jesus paid with his life. He died on the cross for us to have a perfect relationship with God. All we need to do is accept the gifts. Accept that Jesus died on the cross for us and accept the grace of God to live the way he designed us to live.
Wow, we are rich in deed.

Friday, August 21, 2009

aquatic animal providing ambiance music

Have you ever seen an "pretend" turtle fully sprawled out on the floor of your grocery store, making the loudest screechiest noise? Lets be honest. What did you think about it? What did you think about the adult "turtles" with the little turtle?

I walk in on the scene last night, or should I say I lived that scene last night. As I left my husband "turtle", who was standing on his two legs and not on the floor, with our 2 year old "little turtle" and her two brothers who were not acting much better. I quickly finished the grocery we needed. As I was walking, or maybe I should say jogging, through the last few aisle I could her our little turtle crystal clear, I was sweating, and heart pounding. I could hardly believe my child's behaviour.

I rejoined the scene, we paid for the merchandise, and we left saying bye, bye to everyone and "hope you enjoyed the ambiance music, shows over for tonight!"

Then we had a little talk in the van.

Never ever judge people because we never know when you will be that next person.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

child care swap

My heart is so excited. I have been blessed with the possibility of helping out in a wonderful children ministry.
Jacob is attending the program, but I do need to find child care for Daniel and Esther.
My need is to have them care for from about 12 (noon) to no later then 4pm (probably earlier), however I would love to make a whole day out of it. Spending every other Tuesday morning volunteer at Jacob's school and the other working on my book idea.
I am wondering if there is another mom or dad out there who would like to swap children for one day a week. You can watch my two little ones on Tuesday and I would watch yours (up to three children) either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
Or is there someone willing to come to our home to watch Daniel and Esther? Or does someone want to watch them in their own home? And what would you charge? Let me know, as soon as possible. As I want to give an answer to the ministry leaders as soon as possible.
Thanks you for passing the word out, and considering this request.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Burial plot

"Well... we are still registered at our home church and have our burial plot so were all set!"
This was the word that came out of a lovely women when asked about her relationship with God.

I was finishing up at the eye doctor when I noticed an elderly couple. The man was asked his date of birth .. 1920 was his answer... wow. I hope to still be alive and with my spouse at that age. What beauty!

The couple then tried repeatedly to call for a taxi,.. but none were available.

As I overheard the couple contemplating walking home, in 33 C heat plus humid, I offered to drive them home. This is when I love our 8 passenger van.

As I had the couple buckled in and driving away from the clinic, they pointed out the big old church where I grew up. That is all I need to realize that this was more then driving them home,... it was a opportunity to guide them HOME. Home where we will live forever.

I asked them if they went to church... one said yes, and one said no.

They were disappointed about not presently attending a church... but felt content with life and that they were still registered member of a church 3 hours away, and had buried plots there. To them it meant everything was done and sealed in place.

I told them " well, ... who knows I could die in a few hours,... you never know how things will turn out, but the fact is that likely you will be facing that time before me and you need to be ready for the reality of heaven or hell. You better know your God." Yes, those are the words that came out of my mouth, as this elderly couple were buckled up in my van. I can hardly believe I was this blunt,.. the bluntness opened up a great conversation.

Turns out they moved here three years ago, and have not gone to church since then. They don't drive. They just found it to hard to get to church. I asked them if they had ask people to drive them. They said "No, but no one has offered." I asked again,.. "have you asked", they again said "but no one has offered." I then asked why they had not asked... Silence.... The wife said I guess I should.

How often do we shy away from asking people if they need help? How many people could we be helping but think they are doing fine? Flip side, how many time are we uncomfortable to ask for help? How many times do we miss out on receiving love because we are to shy to reach out? Oh! how many opportunities I have missed over the years.

I asked the couple to consider opening up the phone book, and praying asking God to show them which churches to call. Then to call those church until they find one willing to drive them to and from church. They agreed to this, gave me their first and last name that I might pray for them, and then gave me the warmest hugs I have received in a long time. A hug that screamed THANK YOU.

THANK YOU GOD for allow me to take the time in my busy days for being an instrument for you.

All of this made me remember the elder man who attend my church and who lives on my street. I have been assuming that he would call if he needed a ride, but I guess I should call him!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Uplifted at She Speaks Part I

"She Speaks" has been one of the best things I have done for my soul.

As I approached Concord, North Carolina (the location of the conference) tears were trickling down my face. Attending this conference has been in the works for 6 years. Ever since, I first heard a short little 60 sec. message from Proverbs 31 Ministries on my local radio.

My dear husband asked me a few times how I felt. Honestly, it felt like all my nerves cells where ignited dancing all over my body. After reflecting on my feelings, I was able express my self. I felt that attending She Speaks was my yes to God. My yes to God, that I will take this desire he has placed in my heart to speak His Truth and His love to others. Next to my wedding, where I said yes to marring Joey and accepting all the children as gift from God, there has not been another time as distinctive as attending She Speaks.

July 31st, 2009... I checked in to the fanciest hotel I had ever stayed in. It was beautiful, what stands out most in my mind was the fact that the bell man (the luggage helper, greeter man) wanted me to let him do all the work of bring my luggage (all of it!) to my room all by himself. He even was a little frustrated that I tried to bring one of my own bags by myself... however he accepted when I told him it was a large purse not a bag. As I write this, I remember one other person who wants to carry all my luggage, not some of it, but all of it. Jesus says lay all your burden down and I will give you rest. He wants to carry all the burden for us. Oh! How I try to lay all of them down, and then pick one or two back up. Just like the bell man was slightly frustrated with me, I am sure Jesus wished we would just leave the luggage with him. You see it was truly much easier to enjoy the beauty of the hotel, and easier to say Bye to Joey without the luggage I had been trying to carry by myself. How I pray that I might truly be able to leave all my luggage/ baggage with Jesus in order to truly enjoy the beauty around me and concentrate on loving those around me.

Big huge, metal flip chart from the 1980's (which I nickname the "Canadian PowerPoint") and a women speaking to herself in front of a mirror and a timer going off was what my dear roommate walked in to find. How God worked to match us together was incredible. Me from Ottawa, Canada; her from Salt Lake City, Utah. I am not sure if we would of met any other way, but I am so bless to have had the privilege to meet this incredible women of God who I truly love as a sister. Both of us had wanted to attend last year, however due to circumstance where unable to do so. She was attending the conference with the Writing track and I with the Speaking track. I had debated over taking the writing track or the speaking track. But as I was not yet ready with my book idea, I choose the speaking. However, my dear roommate was able to share so much of the writing information. We prayed together, laughed together and like girls do so well talked for hours and hours - leaving little time for shut eye. Thanks for everything Sarah.

So much great things occurred on the Friday, that I simply cannot share in details...
However some of the highlights:
-was finally getting Lysa TerKeurst books (what happens when Women Walk in Faith; What happens When Women say Yes to God; The Bathtub is Overflowing but I Feel Drained:How to Defeat Mommy Stress.) I am thinking and praying about leading a bible study at my house with the help of this last book if any is interested let me know.
-meeting some of the women who have been fundamental in my walk with God. These are ladies from the Proverbs 31 Ministry team and being able to thank them for all their great work in the Lord.
-Meeting all sorts of wonderful ladies who truly love God with their all who also are busy with young families and/ or other things in their lives.
-most of all soaking in God while in the Chapel. The ladies on the conference team had been praying for each one of us since the moment we registered. They placed our name by one of the names/ titles of God. I found my name by the title: "The Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Armies"... with scripture reference reflecting this title and the topic of my 5 minute talk I had prepared for the conference. It all so spoke so much to the heart of a mommy who was worried about having left her children for a whole week. I once again decided to put my trust in God at that moment, and to decided to trust God every time I worried from that moment on.

The topics I attend that day were: -
1)A compelling 15 minute radio Interview - where I not only learned a lot but I also met another Canadian and some women from Africa.
2) The main conference opening message: remarkABLE where God taught me that my choice is what matters. We might have the same situation as others but how we choose to react makes or brakes us.
3)Fear Not!: Where I learned and realized many things including that as long as I am walking with God and not ahead of him, I have nothing to fear. I also think that this is the session where I started learning that the credentials I need I will not obtain by having some letters behind my name (or in front of it) but the credentials I need I will gain by spending time with Jesus.
4) I met with my evaluation group: A group of 12 other ladies, including my evaluator. We all shared our 3 minute stories. It was a great time of getting to know each other, and breaking out of our comfort zones. We all did well. I was the most nervous I had even been speaking in front of a group, but I did well.

then the socializing occurred and the talking until the little hours of the morning with my roommate. I will post more soon,... including the infamous Uplifting experience ..soon

Please pray for...

A dear friend, one of my husbands work colleagues, is very ill. He has been in the hospital for over one week. He required brain surgery. His recover is this not certain. He has a lovely wife and a young daughter. Please pray for his full recovery, and for his wife and daughter to be strenghten and receive courage from God. As well as pray that the family may see God's provision for them in these very challenging times. Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Vacation time

I am still vacationing,...

She Speaks was extremely uplifting both physically and spiritually....
Washington DC was lovely, and proved to get me back into shape,...
To top it off the vacation we were invited into the Vatican where we were loved and received gifts! I can hardly believe it took place.

I will post more regarding all of this in mid August when we return home.

We, Joey (my dear husband) and I, will be driving several hours tomorrow to get to the cottage and see our loving children and their incredible grandparents and great aunt. Please pray for our safe travel. Thanks you so much