Thursday, July 12, 2007

Less then 8 days to go or less...

As we guessed are little darlings are getting close to the 8 lbs mark.
Yesterday: Daniel weighed approx. 7 lbs and 8 oz and Esther weighed in at 7 lbs.
Meaning I am now carrying 14 lbs and 8 oz. (a gain of 2 lbs and 2 oz) no wonder I am starting to get uncomfortable. Both babies are doing well, maman is getting very tired easily,...But I am loving this nesting phase... the house is so organized!!!!! I think God gave us this nesting period before giving birth because He knows that the cleaning will take a back seat to the caring of babies,... hence, the cleaning the home before babies arrive the better,... or so I am saying to myself. Anyhow, it's time for afternoon nap.