Monday, April 9, 2007

duty of the moment and obedience to God

Doing there duty of the moment, women were blessed by being the first to learn of Christ ressurection, and to bring the good new to the apostles.

(Read Luke Chapter 23 verses: 50 -56 & Chapter 24 verses: 1-12)

How God can bless us, while we do the task at hand? Changing the 3rd dirty diaper of the morning, or sweeping up the mess of Cheerios our toddler have greated for the millionth time, or by just sitting and resting our body in order for our babies to grow and be healthy.

These women in Luke were doing just that, they were doing the duty of the moment. Fixing spices for Christ body, and bring them to him in oder for a proper burial. This would of been their role to play, their duty just as our role is to help those in our lives. It is when they bring these spices to the tomb tof Jeuss that they are faced with the angles telling them of the news of Jesus resurrection. It is in doing there duty of the moment that they receive the news and the joy to tell other of this new that changes lives forever. It is in doing our duty of the moment that God can bless us, as well.

The other important point in this gospel reading is that the women obeyed the sabbath and rested. They prepared the spices, then they rested on the sabbath and then brought the spices to Christ. How many of us are able to in the middle of a task to put down are things are rest when needed? This is definetely and issue for me,... God help me listen to you and obey your guidance to rest when needed. And God help me learn that being obedient to you surpasses what I might think is the duty of the moment.