Monday, March 30, 2009

CHEO called Daniel's biopsy is tomorrow

HI all, Please pray. CHEO called this morning. They have changed Daniel's bone marrow biopsey date. Dr. Johnston wants it donw tomorrow rather then thursday. The excuse they gave me was that they are overbooked on Thursday, and they want his done sooner then later. All childcare arrangements were made in less then 5 minutes and Joey is hoping to be able to get the day off tomorrow.Please pray for all of this. I am nervous. I was taking real comfort that Daniel's biopsy was going to be on the anniversary of John Paul II's death. But then again maybe he has something to do with them changing the date. The sooner we have answers the better. Miracles are happening! Please pray that we get Esther's iron levels back today. I am so nervous about that. Her hemoglobins are low too, and we need to know if it is due to iron deficiency before we go ahead and put her through all the testing like Daniel had and is having. Please also pray that I relax. My body is aching so much,.. it is really hard to sleep. and went I do it is not very deep. thank you,If you have any prayer needs, please let me know. I would like to offer up the procedure tomorrow for those in need.God bless,Roxanne

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