Saturday, March 28, 2009

first visit to oncology/ hematology

Hi All, We are heading off to the onocolgy/ hematology clinic this morning for more blood work and hopefully some test results and unlikely but possibly another blood transfusion for Daniel.Many of you have asked how you can help? Meals, or home made goodies are always wlecomed and appreciated as things are pretty busy in the home and we are out at the hospital so much. When we are home the kids just want our attention the sick ones and the "not sick but need mommy too" ones. Visits are appreciated as well as it gets our minds thinking about things other then illness. One way you can help is simply by calling and talking to us.... somethings about what is happening with us as it helps to get it "off out chest"/ "out of our heads" or the best is to hear what is happening with you... or just make us laugh and feel normal that people are calling.... you are not bothering us by calling. We need anything that can resemble a sign of normalcy. other things you can do is prayer, pray , pray...and let us know if you get anything from those prayers. One of the possible things Daniel is facing as a diagnose is called TEC but it is a diagnose of exvlusion... meaning everything else has to be ruled out first.... here is a link to explain what TEC is....and is not.... It is not sure that this is whatwe are dealing with but it is the most probable. Please keep in mind that there is different ways to count hemoglobins some count in with low number ex. 10 and other count them with high number... 100. Daniel visit to emerge on March 25th in the evening demonstrated that his hemoglobins were at 93 after the blood transfusion up from 69 that morning. Hurray.... today they will check to see how much hemoglobins are in the blood again to see where things are at. Daniel's body could be destroying hemoglobins as well as not producing many of them... hence the need for the test. Got to run to lots and thanks for everything...Roxanne"Give blood it saves lives!"

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